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Winter Wonderland Holiday Party

January 15, 2015

Meeting Logistics melded the flavors of the holiday season in perfect harmony for a client holiday party event at the Hilton Short Hills. Customized invitations set the tone and theme. A shimmering stage was set for entertainment. Dramatic lighting created a cool winter atmosphere.

Crystal beaded birch tree branches, beautiful linens and floral décor accents were some of the special touches that emphasized the winter theme. Guests enjoyed the sounds of two winning a cappella pop-funk singing groups - Blue Jupiter and Element Vocals.

A custom photo booth set was custom built with a sleek metal backdrop, ice sculpture snowflakes and white birch branches with strings of crystals and fur blankets, scarves and hats were used as props, creating fun photo memories (as seen in the photo below).

President and CEO Cathy Mullen with Meeting Logistics employees Devin and Chelsea.

We also helped source and select the 225 employee holidays gifts. We selected black double bottle wine tote bags branded with the company logo. They were filled two bottles of sophisticated high end wine: a French Bordeaux and bottle of white Sancerre. We even create custom designed gift tags that were attached to each tote bag with a thank you from the company's executive team.

From concept creation to execution, the Meeting Logistics talented event design, planning and production team ensured that every detail was attended to and the event ran seamlessly. Meeting Logistics delivered creativity and received feedback that this was the best holiday party ever!